La Red Network

About us

La Red Network is an association of churches founded with the objective of coming alongside churches in Latin America and around the world to provide resources and relationship.  Our primary areas of focus are:  planting new churches, equipping existing churches and providing pastoral care.

We believe that relationships and unity as a church and a continent can be an unbreakable force. That's why we are passionate about providing support, guidance and resources to those leaders who want to take their local church to a new level.

We are united with Christ in his vision to save the lost, make disciples, and build His church. One of the main ways we will do this is by establishing local churches in strategic cities, so that His people can tangibly be His hands and feet.  In English, La Red means The Net.  We will continue to cast the net to reach the lost and build the Kingdom of God!



Finding new ways to have impact


Together we are better


Trusting Him for the increase


A lifestyle of Giving above & beyond


Embracing different stories with the same common goal


La Red Network is a group of churches that believe that together we can work to reach people who are far from God and help them to have a relationship with Him.
We do this using a specific church planting strategy:
IDENTIFY, GROW and IMPACT leaders to go and make disciples of all nations.


Reached Countries

El Salvador
United States
Costa Rica

Be a part of this movement! 

We invite you to be part of this community, so that together
we can continue to impact the Spanish-speaking world.

Do you know a Spanish-speaking pastor or church that could benefit
from what La Red has to offer? If so, we would love to connect with them!
You can also join our mailing list below, so that you are the
first to hear about all that is happening! 

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